Saturday, January 23, 2010

Save a horse from slaughter

Recent legislation rendered it illegal to slaughter horses for human consumption in the United States. Unfortunately, there are still many horses being crammed into trailers and shipped across the border to Mexico or Canada to be killed for human consumption overseas. Many of these are healthy, well trained horses, each with their own unlucky tale of how they ended up on a feedlot awaiting an inhumane demise.

Thankfully, there are people out there working tirelessly to save as many as they can. Equine Angel, a non-profit organization run by Shirley Puga, rescues horses directly from feedlots, mostly in Nevada, where the horses are fattened up before long, grueling transport to Canada or Mexico. Horses are carefully hand picked according to their adoptability. Puga then pays the slaughter price for the horse.

Once a horse has been rescued from the feedlot, Valley View Ranch Equine Rescue takes the reigns (so to speak) to place the horse in foster care, or, ideally, in a permanent home. Valley View Ranch is located in King City near Monterey, California, and is run by Marlene Dodge. Both organizations work closely with each other to rescue horses, raise the funds to care for them, and eventually place them in loving homes.

Since the downturn in the economy last year, many people were forced to let their horses go, unable to afford the upkeep. This accounts for a good portion of these horses left for the lions.

Equine Destiny, a documentary film in progress, is also working to raise awareness of this terrible threat, among others, to American horses. According to statistics on their website, 92% of the horses going to slaughter are in sound condition - many of them well trained for riding.

If you have ever considered horse ownership, adopting a horse that has been saved from slaughter could be a really rewarding endeavor. While it is important to remember that owning a horse is a commitment, both financially and timewise, you might find that horse ownership in LA is within your reach. If you have a passion for horses, there is nothing quite like having a horse of your own to love.

Not ready to commit to a horse? Make a tax deductible donation to one of the organizations above and make a big difference in the lives of horses.

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