Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Valentine's Day with Corral 38

Looking for something special for your sweetheart on Valentine's Day? Well, if your sweetheart has four hooves, mark your calendar for Griffith Park Equestrians Corral 38's Used Tack and Show Clothing Sale and Fundraiser. Not only can you get some great new/used stuff, but you can get rid of some of your old tack and apparel.

Corral 38 is the local chapter of Equestrian Trails, Inc. ("ETI"). They promote trail rides, horse shows, and various activities, including the annual Christmas caroling on horseback in our community. Tracy M. Smith is the local coordinator for ETI, and can be contacted by email if you want more information on ETI events.

The upcoming tack and apparel sale is on Sunday, February 14, 2010, 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. in Bette Davis Park, located next to Easter Field. Bring your old tack, riding apparel, barn accessories, and all other equine related items to put in the sale. 15% of the profits go to Corral 38, but the rest is yours to keep. Chances are you will spend your new found cash on some great new stuff for you and your horse.

To submit your items for sale, attach a tag to each item to include your name and the price of the item, which should be priced on the dollar. Be sure to deliver the items by 9:00 on the morning of the sale. Donated items are also welcome. Corral 38 personnel will track your sales and provide you with your profits after the sale.

This is the perfect time of year to clean out your tack room and closet. Why not make a little extra cash on all of your outdated goods? As the old saying goes, "One man's trash is another man's treasure." Come unload your "trash" and find a treasure.

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